Could Changing your Mattress Reduce Back Problems?

 The average person spends a third of their life sleeping. With this in mind, it’s not hard to see how the quality of your sleep can affect your health and your life in general. Often, people will go to sleep only to wake unrested with a sore or stiff back. Whether your back problems are pre-existing, or due to an old or poor quality mattress, it may be time to get a new one.

If you are wanting to find the best mattress for back pain, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are so many mattresses and beds on the market; some of them are chiropractic recommended mattresses, while others just seem like a pretty good deal. Regardless, it’s important to know how sleep affects your body in order to make an informed decision regarding your mattress purchase.

Generally, chiropractic recommended mattresses are your best bet when it comes to back health. If you suspect your bed may be the cause of your back pain, or you are wondering whether changing your mattress or bed could help alleviate your symptoms, here are a few things to consider.

What leads to back problems?

Choosing the best mattress for back pain should start with knowing some of the major contributors to the problem. Back pain is primarily caused by poor posture. This can happen while sitting at the office, exercising at the gym, and even relaxing at home. Poor posture also presents itself during our sleep. Sleeping in awkward positions causes strain on our spine which leads to poor alignment, inflammation, and soreness. The best mattress for back pain, therefore, is one that helps maintain good posture during sleep.

How to choose the right mattress

For starters, no matter which mattress you choose, it is important that it comes from a range of chiropractic recommended mattresses. This is much like choosing a toothbrush or toothpaste that’s been recommended by a dentist. Taking advice from an expert can be the difference between a bed that alleviates back problems and one that exacerbates them.

The firmness and support of your mattress also plays a role. A mattress should provide continuous support while you sleep. One that is too soft may cause your hips to sink which can lead to poor alignment in the lower part of your spine. One that is too hard or stiff, on the other hand, can put pressure on the bony parts of your body, resulting in soreness overall. Ideally, a mattress should evenly distribute your body weight in a way that reduces stress on your spine.

Of course firmness also depends on your unique needs. If you have been sleeping on a softer mattress and notice that this is making your problems worse, then it might be a good idea to switch to a firmer version. If you have been sleeping on a very firm mattress and your body aches, then a softer version may be the way to go.

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